At any time a percentage of the population are in airports, planes, hotels, motels and other places while traveling. If you notice the number pictures on the web that are taken in motel rooms, you might think half the country is naked with camera’s. Many of the pictures I see have either lamps on the wall or a peep hole in the door in the background branding their location. While we have taken pictures in motel rooms, we have taken more at home. Of course, I suspect that most of the motel pictures are taken of friends, not wives.
I looked through my collection of spanking pictures to find a picture to illustrate my point. I could not find one. Obviously I have a bias against collecting such pictures.
Have you noticed the number of commercial spanking Blogs? I think there are a LOT more of them now than a year ago. The defunct Aunt Agony was a shill for commercial sites, but at least it was done with some style. The new ones I have seen one are all bores. They show Muffin, Amber, Pixie, etc in ridiculous scenes in preposterous poses.
I looked through my collection of spanking pictures to find a picture to illustrate my point. I could not find one. Obviously I have a bias against collecting such pictures.
Have you noticed the number of commercial spanking Blogs? I think there are a LOT more of them now than a year ago. The defunct Aunt Agony was a shill for commercial sites, but at least it was done with some style. The new ones I have seen one are all bores. They show Muffin, Amber, Pixie, etc in ridiculous scenes in preposterous poses.