You've Got To Be Kidding Me

You've Got To Be Kidding Me
This is the two-parter that I have been talking about. This is part one, part two will be the next post. I want to keep all you sissies on your toes! Super Bowl Sunday! Go Pack Go!Cum one and cum all to the Sissy Olympics! If you think the, "Iron Sissy Challege" is difficult, wait till you see the, "Asscapades" portion of the competition. That's a compliant sissy. I really like the Sigma Macho Kapa and the Delta Sissy Phi. I will no doubt find a way to make more of these caps, tell me what you thi...

Here It Comes!

Here It Comes!
Here is another cap. I can't wait to get started on the winner's personalized cap. If you won, please post your request in the comment section of any cap. Also, I have another two parter on the way. Huzzah! I hope you all enjoy!I have another birthday surprise for all you sissies out there. Another birthday cap! I hope everyone is having a good week, I am unfortunately sick so I am hoping that the back part of my week will start to look up. Enjoy and like always, don't be afraid to comment!I also have some really fun news. I am going to have a contest for my next cap. The winners will get their...

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Contest!

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Contest!
Hello Sissies! I am pleased to announce Missy's Sissy Caps first contest! Hooray! To celebrate all the success, I am going to have a contest with the winners recieving their very own, costumized cap! Hooray, again! My first cap was called "A Mile In Her Shoes" and to commemorate it, I have selected 8 different girls that I would love to be for that mile. Here is the catch, you have to guess who these girls are. In the comments section, I will give you the 8 clues to the 8 girls and you will be responsible for finding out whose shoes I want to be in. Now here are the rules:1) You must be a follower....

Blow out the Candles

Blow out the Candles
Hello everybody! I hope you all didn't miss me too much. I'm so sorry that I haven't done any caps in awhile. It has been a busy two weeks. I try to get a majority of my caps done on the weekend, but last weekend was incredibly busy. This weekend has been a bit tricky also, but luckily I have found some time and am working on quite a few right now. Including a second birthday cap and a few other fun ones. (Side note: Look at how awesome Kim Kardashian's hair looks! I would give to have such amazing hair.) Enjoy, there will be more to co...

You've Got To Be Kidding Me: Part 2

You've Got To Be Kidding Me: Part 2
The Super Bowl post had to be done in my mind. My blog, my rules. That being said, here is the second part to my last sissy cap, enj...

Sissiness Sees No Color

Sissiness Sees No Color
Just a fun one. Enjoy.On a random note: The Green Bay Packers are playing in the Super Bowl this Sunday. I am a humongous Packers fan and yes, I understand my place as a sissy, but that doesn't mean that I can't love football too? I couldn't help but play up my Packers. GO PACK ...

Revenge is Best Served Warm, Throbbing and Hard

Revenge is Best Served Warm, Throbbing and Hard
So I got a snow day today, which means no classes, which means I have time to do a bunch of caps today! Yippie! Decided to get started with a good revenge cap, and I always loved the idea of getting back at those huge douchebags in school. Luckily the power of being a writer, (or a captionist, if you will) is that I get to finally controll the destiny of assholes like them. So I hope you enjoy, more to come soon. Hope you like the new layo...

Trust-Funder Buster

Trust-Funder Buster
I really wanted to do a Trust-Funder cap, and I really don't like people who are given a great oppurtunity and squander it by being complete douchebags. The Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan types. Time to get off my soap box, enjoy my c...

The Sound of Sleep

The Sound of Sleep
I know I've seen this picture before, but I had to do my own take on it. She is just too gourgeous to pass on doing her c...

Ralph Black is Back and Sissier than Ever

Ralph Black is Back and Sissier than Ever
I love the doing revenge caps. I really enjoyed doing a Mistress cap and I think I will do some more very soon....

Three's Company

Three's Company
Another fun one I have. I just love the expressions on each girl's face. Not to mention their hair. The things I would do for hair like that....I'm getting sidetracked. The contest is still going on, remember, even if you don't know all the answers, don't fret, name all the ones you can. Even naming one will put you in the lead right now. C'mon folks! Customized caps are on the li...

You Don't Know Him

You Don't Know Him
Hello my fellow Sissies! Quick update: No one has done my contest yet. : ( I'm pretty bummed about it. There is still time though. You can still participate by tomorrow at a undecided time. A free personalized cap is on the line! Even if you guess one of them, you can still win. You can even leave the answer on this absolutely scrumptious cap. Not going to lie, Lea Michele looks absolutely gourgeous. Not one of the people on my list of people to trade shoes with, but there would be no complaints if I got ...

Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Winners!!!!

Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Winners!!!!
Congratulations to Elena Starz, Sophia, and MJ are the winners of my first contest! Each one of you nabbed 7 of 8. As stated, all three of you win a customized/personalized cap done by me! Anything goes in these caps, tell me exactly what you would like for your cap on this or any post, and I will do my best to get it done in a timely manner. For all of you who are wondering who the famous 8 were they were;1) Katy Perry2) Emma Stone3) Kim Kardashian4) Kristen Stewart5) Heidi Klum6) Zooey Deshanel7) Allison Brie8) Sara BareillesI hope everyone was at least entertained with the contest. New...

Different Strokes for Different Folks: Part 1

Different Strokes for Different Folks: Part 1
Hey Ladies and Gents! Sorry that I was a bit lame this week. It was another busy one. But I promise to work on getting more caps done this weekend and the following week. I hate to keep you sissies waiting. This is another two-parter with a different way of looking at it. Instead of it being a continuation of a story, the second one will be more of a parrallel or a juxtaposition of this one. I think you'll like it a lot. Other news: Sophia hasn't come to me with her request for a personalized cap, if you are reading this Sophia, please get back to me! I hope everyone is having a splendid Friday!...

Different Stroke for Different Folks: Part 2

Different Stroke for Different Folks: Part 2
Good Morning-kind of! Funny story, I went to (note:missing the s in blogspot) and a Christian site popped up. I thought it was pretty funny. You know you made it when some Christian Organization si attempting to fight you via the internet. Whatever. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy the second parter of Different Strokes for Different Fol...

Let the Feminizing Begin: Elena Starz' Cap

Let the Feminizing Begin: Elena Starz' Cap
I have our first winner's cap done and here it is. It is for the wonderful Elena Starz. I hope that I met her standards, please tell me what you think. I tried to follow all your guidelines and this was the result. Also, Sophia, you still have to let me know what you want for your cap! Other than that, happy Mond...

Lesson Learned: MJ's Cap

Lesson Learned: MJ's Cap
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! I have a new cap for MJ! Since she was the second winner, I have finished her cap to her specifications. MJ, please tell me what you think, I would love to hear it. I really hope I did good by you. I would love to hear what you all think too. Feel free to comme...

Num-Nums for Dumb-Dumbs

Num-Nums for Dumb-Dumbs
Hey everyone! New cap today. I probably won't be posting too often this upcoming week, just for future warning. Happy Frid...

Punky Brewster

Punky Brewster
Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait. I was away. But I have a new cap for you all. I absolutely love this picture, might be one of my favorite ones yet. The only problem is that I don't think the cap was nearly as good as the picture. I don't know. I might be overthinking it. Anyways, love the picture, I hope you all enjoy the cap, and I am glad to be back! Comme...

Out of this World

Out of this World
Hey gang! Sorry for another delay in caps. I was having a bit of a writers cramp. But I have broke it! Or at least I think. I had a lot of fun writing this one. I hope you all enjoy ...

Same Thing Different Day

Same Thing Different Day
Hey everyone. New cap! I thought this was just a cool idea, don't know if it's my best work, but it's interesting to say the least. I hope everyone is ready for the weeke...

Sissy Rodeo

Sissy Rodeo
Howdy Folks! I've got a brand new cap and it may or may not be the next event in the Sissy Olympics. It's the Sissy Rodeo! I hope you guys enjoying reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy Saturd...


Hey Dolls, I'm back. It has continued to be busy for me, but luckily I have the night to work on several caps. I've got a few done including this one. Fair warning, this isn't nessecarily what I normally do, it's actually kind of sweet in a way. At least I see it like that. I just love this picture too. Everything about it just screams feminine. From her hair to those cute earrings, even the kiss is kind of sweet. Maybe I'm a little jealous. But I've been waiting to use the name Colleen in one of my caps because I think it's one of the prettiest names out there. I think this picture and the cap...

Deer in the Headlights

Deer in the Headlights
Hello everyone! I got another cap for you all! I know, two in a row, aren't I on top of things? I hope you all enjoy this one, it's definitely more my style. Compared to yesterday's that is. I really like this one and I hope you all feel the same. Don't forget I love comments, happy Hump Day/420. Don't do anything that I wouldn't ...

Greetings from Camp

Greetings from Camp
Hey everyone! So guess who is one person away from being at 100 followers? I'll give you a hint, it's me! I'm so excited, I never thought that I would have ever attracted this much attention. This has been so wonderful. So whoever is my 100th follower will get their very own Sissy Missy cap! If you are the 100th, just comment in the comment section below and I should be able to verify afterwords. Thank you everyone! I appreciate all the support for my cap site. It's been 5 months, and it's been so much fun. I love the comments, keep them comi...

Lights, Camera, Action

Lights, Camera, Action
Hey everyone! I wanted to post this one earlier, but my computer caught a virus and I had to get it fixed. Everything is fine and posts will continue to go as quick as I can get them done. I hope you enjoy ...

Office Space

Office Space
How is everyone doing? I'm doing good. I hope everyone likes the new background. I am in love with it. I just felt I needed to do something different. I've got a new cap. Like always, I hope you enj...

Don't Knock It

Don't Knock It
Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay, I had a very busy week. I got a new cap. I hope you all enjoy. I appreciate all the commen...

Lesson Learned the Hard Way

Lesson Learned the Hard Way
Hey everyone! Sorry for the unannouced sabatical. I've been swamped. But luckily I have this new cap for you. I hope you all enjoy, and I hope to get a few more done soon. Have a good 4th of July weeke...

Only Turn 21 Once

Only Turn 21 Once
Hey everyone! New cap. I just love the birthday theme. One of my favorites. But please comment, I always appreciate it. Have a good o...